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16 240 units of blood to be collected ahead of the holidays-NBSZ

By Hamu Madzedze

The National Blood Service Zimbabwe (NBSZ) says they are expecting to collect 16 240 units of blood ahead of the Easter and Independence holidays set for March and April.

NBSZ blood donor coordinator Zephaniah Saira said blood collections will be coming mainly from the Pledge 25(P25) club members and corporates

The Pledge 25 is a special club for young and healthy citizens who pledged to regularly donate safe units of blood at least 25 times in their lives.

"The target for blood collections for March and April is set at 16 240 units and the blood collections will be from the P25 members and corporates" said Mr Saira.

Commenting on the issue of the country's current blood stocks, Mr Saira said for blood group O the country is operating at a day's supply and as for the other blood groups they are sufficient stocks.

The National Blood Service Zimbabwe continues to intensify efforts to increase and maintain the country's blood stocks through various blood collection campaigns. NBSZ seeks to improve the quality of life of patients in need of blood through collecting ,processing and distributing safe adequate blood and blood products.

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