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Brazil to Hosts Pivotal Global Forum on TB Vaccines Amid Renewed Hope for Improved Vaccines

By Hamu Madzedze

Online Journalist-Zimbabwe

The IAVI, The Stop TB Partnership Working Group on New TB Vaccines (WGNV) ,The Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI) ,the Ministry of Health of Brazil and the Brazilian Research Network (REDE-TB) said the Global Forum on TB Vaccines which will be held from the 8th to the 10th of October in Brazil this year comes at a time of renewed attention to TB vaccine , research and development.

General Coordinator for the National TB Program in Brazil Fernanda Dockhorn said the 7th Global Forum on TB vaccines is an opportunity to strengthen the TB research network and work with the civil society, various stakeholders who are advocating for vaccines that are effective, affordable and accessible to all countries.

"Significant efforts are necessary to eradicate TB as a public health problem by 2030 and in this regard the development of improved vaccines is essential" said Dockhorn

The General Coordinator also highlighted that despite a major setback during the COVID 19 pandemic TB remains a major public health issue globally and there is a need to eradicate this health problem by 2030.

President of the Brazilian Tuberculosis Research Network (REDE-TB) Dr Ricardo Alexandre Arcencio said Brazil has a prominent and leading role of catalysing the development and use of new vaccines hence it is an honour and very exciting to host this TB forum.

"The country is a reference worldwide for its robust National Immunisation Program, Research, Biotechnology Infrastructure and the knowledge and skills of its research community, which is why it is exciting and valuable for the country to host the 7th Global Forum on TB Vaccines"said Dr Arcencio.

Chair of the WGNV David Lewinsohn, President and CEO IAV Mark Feinberg and Interim Executive Director TBVI Gerald Voss said they are looking forward to working with the Ministry of Health of Brazil and REDE-TB in ensuring the success of the 7th Global Vaccine Forum on TB.

The Global Forum on TB Vaccines is convened every two to three years by the WGNV in collaboration with IAIV , TBVI and a partner in the host country and over 400 stakeholders from over 35 countries and all sectors of TB vaccine research and development are expected to attend the forum in Rio de Janeiro ,Brazil.

The Forum is the world's largest gathering of TB vaccine stakeholders and allows researchers, clinicians ,product developers,policymakers civil society ,and affected community group to take stock of advances in the field, exchange perspectives on the latest research and best practices and define priority actions aimed at accelerating the development of new vaccines against this disease.

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