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Celebrating Resilience:Uniting against TB and HIV

By Hamu Madzedze

Online Journalist-Zimbabwe

In a world where two deadly epidemics threaten to collide, a united front of over 30 organisations is gearing up for the ultimate showdown against TB and HIV at the 2024 AIDS Affiliated Independent Event dubbed Find all people with TB and HIV ,treat all of them ,save lives and stop the spread of both which will be held on the 4th of July.

Despite progress in the fight against TB and HIV stakeholders warn that a significant gap remains as every person unaware of their HIV or TB status represents a missed opportunity to deliver a centred- approach and ensure gender equality to connect everyone to the care they deserve.

Stakeholders added that very life lost to TB or HIV is a stark reminder of collective failure to prevent it, and every new infection is a grim reminder of missed opportunities to do better.

"We possess the tools to achieve a world free from TB and HIV and we can identify every case ,treat all of them with effective medicines and prevent any further transmissions of both TB and HIV"

Stakeholders in the HIV and TB sector declare one life lost to TB or HIV is one life too many and every life lost is a call to action , a reminder that global efforts to combat TB and HIV must intensify.


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