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Updated: Feb 8

By Hamu Madzedze

Education has been noted as a key factor in ending Female Genital Mutilation(FGM) across Africa, Asia and Latin America , a practice which has been described as not beneficial to anyone.

Marking the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation 2024 which is observed annually on the 6th of February, Merck Foundation CEO Senator Dr Rasha Kelej said her foundation believes that education is one of the critical areas of women empowerment and will definitely help in stopping practices such female genital mutilation.

"Together with the African Ladies ,we have provided educational scholarships to 425 girls to enable them to continue with their education through the foundation's "Educating Linda" program which is housed in countries such as Burundi,Malawi,Ghana,The Gambia,Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe,Namibia,Democratic Republic of Congo,Niger just to name a few said Merck Foundation CEO

Dr Kelej also called on the need to take immediate action against FGM as it deprives women and girls of their dignity, jeopardize their health,inflicts unnecessary pain and suffering, and imposes lasting complications such as infertility which arises from untreated infectious diseases that result from the practice..

"It is crucial to challenge and eradicate this damaging tradition as it causes complications such as infections,stillborn babies and in some instances even death"she said

Dr Kelej added that FGM also increases the risk of HIV transmission and can cause severe complication during childbirth.

According to the WHO data more than 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone female genital mutilation in 30 countries in Africa,the Middle East and Asia and is done on young girls between infancy and aged 15.

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