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Global Cancer burden to increase by 77 percent

By Hamu Madzedze.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has projected a global increase in the Cancer burden by 77% by the year 2050.

In its latest global report on the Cancer burden IARC said an estimate of over 35 million new cases is being predicted by 2050 from the estimated 20 million cases in 2022.

Head of the Cancer Surveillance Branch of IARC Dr Freddie Bray said tobacco ,alcohol and obesity are the key factors behind the increasing Cancer incidence with air pollution still a key driver of environmental risk factors.

Dr Bray pointed out that the impact of this increase will not be felt evenly across countries of different Human Development Index (HDI) levels.

"Those who have the least resources to manage their Cancer burden will bear the brunt of the global disease burden", said Dr Bray.

Meanwhile Head of the Union for International Cancer Control Dr Cary Adams said despite the progress that has been made in early detection of cases and the treatment and care of Cancer patients there are still disparities in Cancer treatment outcomes which exist not only between high and low -income regions of the world ,but also within countries.

Dr Adams added that governments should prioritise Cancer care and ensure that everyone has access to affordable quality services.

"This is not just an issue of resources but a matter of political will and where someone lives should not determine whether they live"said Dr Adams.

The rapidly growing global Cancer burden reflects both population ageing and growth ,as well as changes to people's exposure to risk factors ,several of which are associated with socioeconomic development.

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