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Globally 3 500 people dying everyday due to Hepatitis B and C infections.

By Hamu Madzedze

The World Health Organisation(WHO) latest report states that globally 3 500 people are dying everyday from Hepatitis B and C infections.

Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver and this condition is caused by a virus.Hepatitis B and C are the most common of viral hepatitis because they can be spread in the same way as HIV.

WHO 2024 Global Hepatitis Report has revealed a concerning increase in viral Hepatitis with 1,3 million deaths per year and is the second leading cause of death after Tuberculosis which is also a top infectious killer.

The World Health Organisation's Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said this report paints a troubling picture despite the progress taking place globally in preventing hepatitis infections ,deaths are rising because few people with Hepatitis are being diagonised and treated .

"WHO is committed to supporting countries to use all the tools at their disposal and turn this trend around" said Dr Ghebreyesus.

The Hepatitis B virus is responsible for 1.2 million new infections and the Hepatitis C virus for almost a million .There are more than 6,000 new cases per day.

The report released at the World Hepatitis Summit highlights that there has been a reduction in testing and coverage rates despite better tools for diagnosis and treatment and reduction in product prices ,testing

Meanwhile the reports sets out a series of measures to promote a public health approach to viral hepatitis that will accelerate progress towards ending the epidemic by 2030.

The measures include expanding access to screening tests and diagnostic means,moving from strategies to implementation for fair treatment,strengthening preventative measures taken at primary care level,simplify service,delivery ,optimise regulation and product supply , develop investment in priority countries, mobilise innovative financing ,use improved data to action and engage affected communities and advance research to improve diagnostic products and potential treatments for Hepatitis B.

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