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Government reaffirms its commitment to achieving zero maternal deaths.

By Hamu Madzedze

The Government of Zimbabwe has reaffirmed its commitment to achieving zero maternal deaths through investing in the country's healthcare system and provision of family planning services.

Addressing delegates who attended the International Conference on Population and Development and the launch of the 2024 State of the World Report in Harare ,the Minister of Health and Child Care Dr Douglas Mombeshora said no woman should die while giving birth hence the continuous efforts in addressing maternal health and family planning services.

Dr Mombeshora said according to a review that was conducted the country's maternal deaths has declined from 651 deaths per 100 000 live births in 2010 to 362 deaths per 100 000 live births in 2022.

"What this means is that the number of women dying from pregnancy related deaths has decreased from seven per day to 4 though as a country our target is attaining zero maternal deaths"said Dr Mombeshora.

Minister Mombeshora has commended partners for investing in the country's health sector and urged everyone to continue with this positive trajectory.

He also pointed out that they have stepped up on the budget allocation for family planning services through domestic funding.

"For the past two years three million united states dollars has been channeled towards family planning services and procurement of contraceptives has begun this year"said the health minister.

Dr Mombeshora added that as a result of government's commitment and investment in family planning services Zimbabwe has become the first country to receive funding to compliment its family planning services under the UNFPA Supply and Global Partnership.

The Health Minister also pointed out that in Zimbabwe 2.1 million women were using modern contraceptives and this averted 2 200 maternal deaths.

He also highlighted that the country is working on a national health insurance scheme to ensure health services are accessible to all citizens.

However Dr Mombeshora expressed concern over the high number of adolescent pregnancies and reiterated the need to invest in the education,health and social programs which promote youth engagement in relevant and economic issues.

Meanwhile UNFPA representative Mrs Miranda Tabifor emphasised the importance of investing in Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR )as this will enable women to have control over their fertility.

She said evidence has shown that when women have control over their fertility they are able to attain a higher level of education and pursue a wider range of career choices with higher earnings potential.

"This also unlocks a virtuous cycle of empowerment for women over generation and eliminating gender based violence "said Mrs Tabifor.

She added that comprehensive sexuality education is associated with increased contraceptive use,reduced adolescent pregnancy, it also enables people to plan their families and their future while employers see increased productivity, reduced turnover and countries will benefit from women's contributions to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

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