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India commended for its efforts towards elimination of Tuberculosis(TB)

By Hamu Madzedze (onlinehealthjournalist)

India's Union Health Secretary and the Global Fund have held a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the 77th World Health Assembly meeting in Geneva aimed at strengthening measures towards eliminating Tuberculosis which is a growing burden globally .

In a press statement , The Global Fund has appreciated India's commitment to eliminating TB through creating mass awareness, addressing stigma and intensive monitoring of programs using digital technologies

"Indian innovative practices in TB program like the Truent machines,hand held X_ray devices that can work in robust environments are ideal for the world to emulate"

India's Union Health Secretary Shri Apurva Chandra has acknowledged and appreciated the Global Fund's continued support towards the elimination of TB ,HIV and Malaria in his country.

Chandra urged the Global Fund to continue supporting the TB program in order strengthen the capacities of the public health.

"Most of the investment is in the capacity building ,technical support and lab system strengthening of the program which lead to better sustainability"said Chandra.

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