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Malnutrition in children rises in the Gaza Strip

By Hamu Madzedze

A steep rise in malnutrition among children ,pregnant and breastfeeding women in the Gaza Strip is posing a threat to their health.

In a joint statement the World Health Organisation(WHO),UNICEF and the United Nations World Food Programme(WFD) said according to a report titled "Nutrition Vulnerability and Situation Analysis -Gaza ,1 in 6 children under 2 years of age are acutely malnourished.

The report states that there is a high risk that malnutrition will continue to rise across the Gaza Strip due to lack of food, water , health and nutrition services.

WFP Assistant Executive Director For Programmes Operations Valeria Guarnieri said malnutrition in Gaza is preventable but what is required is a need for improvements on security , humanitarian access and additional points for aid to enter into Gaza.

"Children and women in particular need continuous access to healthy food ,clean water , health and nutrition services "said Guarnieri.

The Executive Director of WHO's Emergencies Programmes Dr Mike Ryan said hunger and disease is a deadly combination which is dangerous and tragic.

"Hungry, weakened and deeply traumatised children are more likely to get sick , especially those with diarrhoea who cannot absorb nutrients well" said Dr Ryan

Meawnhile UNICEF Deputy Executive director for Humanitarian Action Supply Operations Ted Chaiban said if the conflict in the Gaza Strip does not end it will impact negatively on the health of children which will lead to preventable deaths or health issues that will affect the children of Gaza for the rest of their lives.

"We have bee warning for weeks that the Gaza Strip is on the brink of a nutrition crisis" said Chaiban.

UNICEF, WFP and WHO are calling for a safe ,unimpeded and sustained access to urgently deliver multi-sectoral humanitarian assistance throughout the Gaza Strip.

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