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By Hamu Madzedze

The National Blood Services Zimbabwe(NBSZ) says it has put in place measures that will contribute immensely to the country's blood stocks ahead of the April holidays.

NBSZ chief executive officer, Ms Lucy Marowa said schools are their main blood collection sites and the closure of schools will have an impact on the organisation's collection targets hence the need to put in place other measures that will boost the country's blood stocks.

Ms Marowa said to ensure there is an adequate supply of blood during the April holidays all Pledge 25 youths, which is a special club for young and healthy citizens who pledge to regularly donate safe units of blood at least 25 times in their lives and blood donors across the five branches in the country will be donating blood through the Blood Drive gallas initiated by NBSZ.

"These gallas are aimed at boosting blood collection and 1 250 donors are expected to donate blood through these nationwide gallas ", said Ms Marowa.

She also said for the month of April 80 collection sites across Zimbabwe have been identified and over 1 000 donors are expected to be engaged.

Ms Marowa added that to date 15 companies have allowed their employees to donate blood during the April holidays and beyond.

"If all these logistical arrangements materialise the country will never experience blood shortages until schools re-open, said Ms Marowa.

The NBSZ chief executive also called upon Zimbabweans who are eligible for blood donation to play their part by donating blood in order to curb blood shortages in the country.

Meanwhile the organisation's communications officer, Mr Kudakawashe Chidziya said 10 000 units of blood are expected to be collected in April against the 9 480 which is normally collected every month.

Mr Chidziya added that the increase in the target collection is due to the demand for blood during the Easter holidays because of the high number of road accidents that are recorded during this time.

"For the Easter holidays at least 2 000 units of blood will be needed for the four days though on any other ordinary four days 1 364 units are needed", said Mr Chidziya.

He added that there is a need for a constant supply for blood group O positive which is on demand compared to the other blood groups.

"Blood group O positive has more blood donors but it also has more patients hence the demand for blood group O positive is higher as compared to the other three blood groups", said Chidziya.

Mr Chidziya also reiterated the need for blood donation for all blood groups as the need for blood continues to increase.

"As an organisation we appreciate the current blood supply but we are always in need of more blood supplies in order to maintain adequate stocks", he said.

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