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By Hamu Madzedze

The World on the 4th of February will join hands in commemorating World Cancer Day under the theme "Close the Care Gap",this theme highlights the disparities in the cancer care that exist around the world.

The goal is to ensure that everyone regardless of where they live or their socio-economic status have access to quality cancer prevention ,treatment and palliative care.

The Union For International Cancer Control (UICC) is urging governments to promote health equity ,improve cancer service access and reduce disparities in Cancer incidence and mortality .

"This year is about engaging world leaders and asking them to prioritise cancer and invest resources to ensure that noone dies from a preventable and treatable cancer"said UICC.

World Cancer Day was established by UICC in 2000 and since then it has been observed annually on the 4th of Febuary .

The primary goals of the day are to raise awareness about cancer ,dispel myths and misconceptions ,encourage early detection and advocate for improved cancer care.

It also serves as a platform for honoring the courage and resilience of cancer patients and survivors globally.

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