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The Global Fund launches new grants to accelerate HIV,TB and Malaria response.

By Hamu Madzedze

Online Journalist-Zimbabwe.

The Global Fund to fight AIDS,Tuberculosis(TB) and Malaria (The Global Fund),the Government of Sierra Leone and other health partners have launched two new grants worth a total of 136 million United States dollars which will be channeled towards the fight against AIDS,Tuberculosis, Malaria and strengthening the health and community system across the country over the 2024 to 2027 grant period.

The President of Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Bio said the grants will enhance their response in the fight against HIV, TB, Malaria and strengthening the country's health system.

"The grants that we are signing with the Global Fund will enable us to sustain and intensify our efforts against HIV,TB and Malaria while also enhancing Sierra Leone's health system"said President Bio.

President Bio added that together with the Global Fund partnership they will be able to secure a healthier future for all people in Sierra Leone.

The Global Fund Head of Grant Management Mark Edington commended the progress Sierra Leone has made in the fight against HIV,TB and Malaria.

"We will continue supporting the country to strengthen its overall health system and development agenda through the new grants"said Edington.

Meanwhile the Global Fund also launched the implementation of three new grants worth over 441 million United States dollars in Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Minister of Health Mekdes Daba Feyssa said the new grant is a great opportunity for Ethiopia to reaffirm its commitment towards the fight against HIV , Malaria and TB.

"The past two decades have been tremendous as we achieved a lot but our country has also faced a number of challenges including COVID 19 and climate change and this new grant cycle is an opportunity to reinforce that we are back and we want to do more and be closer to our community "said the health minister.

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