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The Government of Zimbabwe and partners rise up against gender based violence

Updated: Feb 27

By Hamu Madzedze

The Government of Zimbabwe through the Ministry of Women Affairs Community and Small and Medium Enterprise Development in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA) have launched today the Women at the Centre project which focuses on providing support to survivors of Gender Based Violence (GBV) through quality case management.

The Women at the Centre project seeks to ensure increased and availability of quality services for GBV survivors including those in marginalised areas.

Minister of Women Affairs ,Community and Small and Medium Enterprise Development Honourable Monica Mutsvagwa said it's heartwarming to note that piloting of the case management is being conducted in Bubi a rural district province.

"Piloting in a district such as Bubi will inform us of the realities faced by survivors accessing services especially in hard-to reach areas and this will be in line with country's vision of leaving no-one and no place behind",said Honourable Mutsvagwa.

UNFPA Country Representative Ms Miranda Tabifor said The Women at the Centre project uses a holistic approach to addressing the burden of violence against women in Zimbabwe

"It is not just about responding to GBV ,its also about preventing it and by empowering women , addressing their needs and build strong support systems which create a safer and more just future for all"said Ms Tabifor.

The launch of the project comes as UNFPA this year is recognising the 30th anniversary of the International Conference on Population Development.

This project offers a multi-prolonged approach which will include capacity building of specialised actors on GBV Case Management,provision of life saving multi-sectoral survivor centred GBV essential services such as mobile one stop centres, GBV hotline and community based GBV risk mitigation and referral mechanisms such as spaces, community mobilisation and GBV surveillance and referral.

GBV is a huge problem in Zimbabwe affecting many women and girls .At least 49% of ever married women and girls aged 15-49 years have experienced some form of emotional,physical or sexual violence committed by their husbands or partners.

The 4 year project is being supported by the Japanese Pharmaceutical Company Takeda and Zimbabwe is one of the five countries that are part of this project.

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