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World Joins Hands in commemorating Leprosy Day.

The World tomorrow the 28th of January 2024 commemorates World Leprosy Day .The Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of January and this year its being held under the theme "Beat Leprosy".This theme is aimed at addressing the dual objectives which are eradicating the stigma associated with Leprosy and to promote the dignity of people affected by the disease.

This year's theme serves as a powerful reminder of the need to address the social and psychological aspects of the disease alongside the medical efforts to eliminate Leprosy.

Even though progress has been made in combating the disease,the day continues to be a reminder that Leprosy is not yet completely eradicated and that efforts must be sustained to achieve this.

Leprosy is one of the oldest disease recorded in the world and targets nervous system,especially the nerves in the cooler parts the human body which include feet,hands and face

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