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By Hamu Madzedze

Zimbabwe has applauded Japan and the United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA) for helping in reducing the country's maternal mortality rate.

Speaking at the handover ceremony of health equipment and commodities worth over USD 1 million from the Japanese government, Health and Child Care deputy minister Dr John Mangwiro said the donation will strengthen the emergency obstetric and neonatal care in COVID 19 hotspots of Harare and Bulawayo.

"The equipment which comprises of eight ambulances, anesthetic machines, operating tables, delivery tables, ICU beds, infusion pumps, examination lights,anti-shock garments, umbilical clamps, urinary protein test strip, doppler fetal heart monitor and midwifery kits will strengthen the country's maternal health system", said Dr Mangwiro

The deputy minister of Health and Child Care also said the ambulances will improve the referral system for pregnant mothers.

Meanwhile, Japanese Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Satoshi Tanaka said he hopes the donation from his government will help in addressing the burden of maternal deaths in Zimbabwe.

"I hope Japan's support will contribute to a robust health system in Zimbabwe and also help the country in attaining its goal of ending maternal deaths," said Ambassador Satoshi.

UNFPA country representative Dr Esther Muia said the support from the Japanese government has begun making a difference. Dr Muia said UNFPA will continue working with the Ministry of Health and Child Care and various stakeholders in ending maternal deaths in the country.

Annually 15 percent of the women who deliver in Harare and Bulawayo have obstetric complications and require access to emergency obstetric care services.

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